Juliane Kreidel: | The wall paintings of the village church St. Katharina und St. Laurentius of Rostock-ToitenwinkelSelection and study of appropriate conservation materialsExamination of applicable desalinization techniques | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | At the end of the 19th Century the medieval mural paintings of the church of Toitenwinkel were restored correspondingly to the prevalent interpretation of that time. On the basis of technological mistakes and a defective care the whole building has been experiencing strong damages since then. The large number of damages required extensive natural scientific examinations in the forefield. The most significant damages are the pollution by salt, which the building material is infested by, and the microbiological colonization of the paintings. This paper is subdivided into a theoretical and a practical part. The first one tries to answer questions concerning the present stock and the history of the church of Toitenwinkel. The practical part searches for appropriate measures of preservation. For that purpose some preservatives were selected, analysed in the laboratory and then were applied to the object. In this connection special difficulties arose from a painting of tar-pitch below the planters. Dealing with the mentioned problems by salt the practical part also searches for ways to reduce the salt. In order to forecast the further destructiveness of salt there was lead a long-term measurement of the existing climate. By confronting test objects with various side-conditions the efficiency of several methods of extracting the salt could be inspected and evaluated. Among these methods a modified one was used as well. Finally, the church of Toitenwinkel with its long history offers many chances for researching the past methods of constructing and restoration. Nevertheless some questions will remain unanswered. |
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