Jonas Heidenreich: | Conservation and restoration of eight sculptures and the back wall of the centre shrine of the former winged altar of the village church in Elbisbach | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The diploma thesis documents the art-technological investigation of eight sculptures and the back wall of a mediaeval winged shrine from the church in Elbisbach. Based on the results of the examination a concept to conserve and restore was developed and implemented. The main focus of the practical work was in the reduction of coatings, which impaired the aesthetic of the objects. Dealing with large-scale losses of colour has been theoretically and practically prepared in form of sample surfaces. After completion of the conservation and restoration, the retabel is to be shown again. For this purpose, options have been developed for the future form of presentation. |
Schlagworte: | altar reconstruction, mediaeval, glue coating, sculpture, retouching concept, conservation, restoration, art technology |
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