Giuliano Barbieri: | THE WALL PAINTINGS OF THE TOMB P XXIV 2 2 IN THE NECROPOLIS OF PORTA NOCERA IN POMPEII Condition assessment, temporary stabilization, development of a conservation strategy | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | A B S T R A C T - Abstracts written in Italian and German are added below. Subject matter of this bachelor thesis is the survey carried out on the tomb P XXVI 2 2, formerly named EN_02 or 02EN1 , of the necropolis of Porta Nocera in the archaeological site of Pompeii. The wall paintings in its semi-subterranean burial chamber is considered the main focus. The development of a conservation strategy is set as the foremost interest of this thesis and its anticipated outcome. Assessments of original and adjoined materials and techniques forming and adding to the mural decorations of the funeral chamber are discussed in detail as well as their condition. In order to obtain the information necessary to develop a further strategy of conservation, however, all parts of the tomb as a whole, as well as its environmental situation have been carefully investigated and taken in consideration. The relevance of this thesis is stated by the later described condition of the wall paintings and the visibly ongoing process of their deterioration being manifested in both material decay as well as a decrease of aesthetic quality aesthetic decay. This thesis aims for a stabilization of the current state of conservation and a further understanding of the individual environmental circumstances; the interaction of the various mechanisms, having led and still leading to the irretrievable loss of precious cultural substance and information. Il soggetto della tesi qui presente è la documentazione dello studio, delle indagini e delle misure realizzate nella tomba P XXIV 2 2, della necropoli di Porta Nocera, nei siti archeologici di Pompei, di quale precedentemente fu documentata sotto il titolo di EN_02 oppure 02EN2 . Vengono considerati nel testo seguente come fulcro generale della tesi le decorazioni murali del mezzo ipogeo della camera principale. E’ inoltre un’altro scopo della tesi lo sviluppo e la proposta di una strategia 1 The tomb’s formerly used code EN_02 or 02EN derived from the spatial orientation of the structure with its rectangular floor plan and the entrance gate to the funeral chamber pointing Northeast. It was substituted for P XXIV 2 2 in order to achieve a consistent nomenclature for all of the archaeological site of Pompeii. 2 Il codice precedente EN_02 oppure 02EN risaliva dall’orientazione spaziale della struttura e la sua planimetria rettangolare di allestimento nord-est. Il codice fu sostituito per P XXIV 2 2 affinché ottenesse una nomenclatura consistente per tutto il sito archeologico di Pompei. HAWK | Konservierung und Restaurierung | Bachelorthesis | Giuliano Barbieri | 2023 5 P XXIV 2 2 conservativa mirando alla salvaguardia della lunetta decorata della parete meridionale, nonché la documentazione dello stato conservativo dei dipinti murali e le loro tecniche esecutive e aggiunte sia della lunetta, sia della volta a botte. In modo da raccogliere tutti i dati in merito per poter realizzare lo scopo di cui sopra, nell’indagini effettuate sono anche stati considerati tutto il monumento sepolcrale della tomba P XXIV 2 2 e la sua situazione climatica. La rilevanza di questa tesi - ovvero l’urgenza degli interventi proposti come parte di essa - si manifesta nello stato conservativo severamente critico dei dipinti murali risultando in degradi di natura estetica, oltre che strutturale. Questa tesi mira ad una stabilizzazione dello stato conservativo attuale nonché ad una comprensione ulteriore delle circostanze ambientali; l’interazione dei vari meccanismi che presumibilmente hanno condotto ad una perdita di sostanze e informazioni culturali, i quali in apparenza sono ancora attivi. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Bachelorthesis ist die im Folgenden dokumentierte Untersuchung des Grabmonuments P XXIV 2 2 in der Nekropole Porta Nocera, der archäologischen Grabungsstätte von Pompeji, vormals dokumentiert unter dem Namen EN_02 oder 02EN.3 Als Hauptfokus der Arbeit werden die Wandmalereien der Grabkammer behandelt, eine Bestands- und Zustandsdokumentation, sowohl der Lünette, als auch dem Tonnengewölbe der Grabkammer erarbeitet, sowie stabilisierende Maßnahmen. Die Entwicklung bzw. Vorbereitung eines Konservierungskonzeptes zur Stabilisierung und zum Erhalt der Lünette der Südwand als abschließendes Ziel der Thesis gesetzt Um jedoch alle notwendigen Daten und Informationen zu erhalten, um eine weiterführende Konservierungsstrategie zu konzipieren, wird der gesamte Baukörper des Grabmonumentes P XXIV 2 2 betrachtet, als auch die klimatische Situation welcher es ausgesetzt ist. Ebenfalls wurden phänomenologische Umfeldanalysen durchgeführt. Die Relevanz dieser Thesis ergibt sich aus dem im Folgenden beschriebenen Zustand vor allem der Lünette und ihrer Malereien und dem 3 Die in vorigen Dokumentationen verwendete Bezeichnung EN_02 oder 02EN ist auf die räumliche Orientierung des Grabmonumentes und dessen rechteckigen Grundriss in nordöstlicher Richtung zurückzuführen. Die vormalige Bezeichnung wurde durch P XXIV 2 2ersetzt, um eine einheitliche Nomenklatur für alle Objekte der archäologischen Grabungsstätte Pompejis zu erzielen HAWK | Konservierung und Restaurierung | Bachelorthesis | Giuliano Barbieri | 2023 6 P XXIV 2 2 sichtbaren Fortschreiten ihres Zerfalls, welcher sich sowohl als ästhetischen und materiellen Verlust darstellt. Diese Thesis ist einer Stabilisierung des aktuellen Zustandes des Objektes gewidmet, als auch einem weiterführenden Verständnis der verschiedenen Mechanismen, deren Interaktion sowohl in der Vergangenheit als auch fortwährend, zu einem unwiederbringlichen Verlust an wertvoller kultureller Substanz und Information führt. |
Schlagworte: | Pompeii, wall painting, porta nocera, detachment, temporary stabilization |
Inhalt: | Abstract 4 Acknowledgements 6 Object identification 7 1 Introduction 9 2 Methodology 10 3 Documentation 10 4 Object description 11 4.1 Object history 11 4.1.1 The necropolis of Porta Nocera in Pompei 11 and the tomb P XXIV 2 2 4.1.2 History of restauration and conservation 12 Interventions carried out as part of the 13 Pompeii sustainable preservation project (PSPP) Installation of an air circulation system 15 4.2 Assessment: Applied materials and techniques 15 4.2.1 External construction 15 4.2.2 Internal burial chamber 16 4.2.3 Painted decoration 16 Glossary: Applied materials and techniques of the barrel vault; Support 19 Glossary: Applied materials and techniques of the barrel vault; painted decoration 25 Glossary: Applied materials and techniques of the south wall’s lunette; support 31 Glossary: Applied materials and techniques of the south wall’s lunette; painted decoration 40 Mapping: Applied materials and techniques of the south wall’s lunette; support 46 Mapping: Applied materials and techniques of the south wall’s lunette 49 4.3 Condition assessment 51 4.3.1 External structure 51 4.3.2 Internal wall paintings 51 Glossary: Condition of barrel vault; support 54 Glossary: Condition of the barrel vault; painted decoration 61 Glossary: Condition of lunette; Support 70 Glossary: Condition of lunette; Painted decoration 74 Mapping: Condition of the south wall’s lunette; Support 78 Mapping: Condition of the south wall’s lunette; 79 Painted decoration 4.3.3 Biological growth 80 Sampling of biological growth 80 Analysis and interpretation 86 4.3.4 Other vegetation inside the burial chamber 89 4.3.5 Soluble salts 90 Sampling of soluble salts 90 Analysis of soluble salts 92 5 Available data 95 5.1 Interventions and documentations PSPP 95 5.2 Dataloggers of the Fraunhofer Institut 95 6 Generated data/ non-invasive measurements 96 6.1 IR-Thermography 96 6.2 Distribution of humidity inside the burial chamber 99 Implementation and conclusion 6.3 Multispectral imaging 108 6.3.1 UVL 109 6.2.1 VIL 110 6.3.2 IRR 111 6.3.3 MSI conclusion 121 7 Environmental analysis 122 7.1 climate and weather-related phenomena 122 7.2 Damage potential of animals 124 7.3 Potential damage caused by visitors 125 8 Temporary stabilization of the south wall’s lunette 126 8.1 Preliminary tests 126 8.2 Application 129 9 Conclusion 130 10 Outlook 132 Bibliography 134 Affirmation 135 |
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