Johanna Marie Quadrizius: | Water absorption of capillary active building materials in regard to the shaping of the inner wetting front | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | The evaluation of capillary water absorption using the Karsten tube test is dependent on a wetting theory which has been established many years ago. In the practical application this theory has been proven wrong. This thesis aims to reach new conclusions concerning the form of the wetting body. Finding a method to visualise the wetting body inside a porous system is the base to this bachelor thesis. For that purpose the pore space has been dyed with a potassium permanganate solution and afterwards cut into tomography-like slices. The focus of this thesis was the empirical measurement of the dilatation of the wetting body and in reaching a better understanding of basic correlations between the pore space and geometry of the wetting body. |
Schlagworte: | capillary water absorption, Karsten tube, water transport, water body, wetting front, pore space, sandstone, pottasium permanganate, tetraamminecopper sulphate, porous building materials |
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DOI (Digital Object Identifier) | 10.5165/hawk-hhg/418 |
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