Christa Gehrt: | Double-winged shop-door around 1890, of a subsequent shop fitting into a dwelling house in Berlin-Lichtenberg.Technological investigation and formulation of a conservation plan. | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | Together with the roof, the row of shops forming part of the facade to the street are the only wooden structures still in existence from the periode of construktion and the first rebuilding phase of the former proletarian residential building. A 14-year period of vacancy resulted in damage to the wooden door and in consequence to the paintwork. The paintwork of the shop door that has been preserved were part of the colour scheme for the shop over the last 110 years. The restoration plan is based on preserving the existing paintwork. Experiments were carried out to prepare the base for a restoration coat of paint involving as little loss of the original paintwork as possible. Further attempts to reconstruct the original version, green-grained oak, served as the underlying idea for the design of the outer side of the door. |
Schlagworte: | shop door, restoration, wood imitation |
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