Nina Westermayer: | Art-technological examination and conservation of the oil gilded sculpture John the Baptist, mid-17th century, Bavarian National Museum Munich, catalogue number 12/44 / Study of historical recipes about oil adhesive layer with color and structure additions - comparison of the findings with baroque instructions | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
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Zusammenfassung: | This diploma thesis concentrates on the examination of material and condition, as well as the conservation treatment of the early baroque sculpture John the Baptist. It is presumed that the sculpture is somehow related to the Bamberger Dom and the sculptor Justus Glesker. In order to prove this presumption, relevant literature and documents of the archive relating to the provenience, the artist and the history of conservation were evaluated. Furthermore an unusual oil gilding surface was detected, containing fine grains of sand in the ochre-colored adhesive layer. This caused an intensive study of similar historical recipes. The main part of the thesis includes an examination report, a treatment proposal and describes the conservation treatment carried out. The examination revealed specific problems to deal with such as former creative additions, darkened surface and residues of wax and synthetic resin used for previous conservation. |
Schlagworte: | oil gilding, structuring, ochre, source texts, creative addition, brass gilding, patina, wax, synthetic resin |
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