Lisa Dittmann: | Preservation Management in Digitisation Projects of the Basel University Library’s Historic Collection | Zurück |
Sprache: | Original - Übersetzung | |
Seitenübersicht: |
Zusammenfassung: | In light of extensive digitisation projects to be conducted at Basel University Library’s historic collection in the coming years the thesis is concerned with the organisational and structural prerequisites, which workflows and which manual activities are needed to avoid or at least minimize the strains and risk potentials on the library collection during the digitisation process and further how damage to the library collection can be reduced in the course of the digitisation preparation and how digitisation can therefore become a benefit for the conservation of the collection. To this end all materials to be digitised are documented. Furthermore, the whole digitisation process as it has been practised at the Basel University Library is analysed from beginning to end. As a result potential risk factors can be estab-lished. Another chapter goes into the possibilities and limitations of mass treat-ments in conservation and its methods, taking several selected projects as examples. Possibilities of applying the approved methods to digitisation projects are discussed. Derived from this, a methodology for an integrated preservation management in the upcoming digitisation projects of the Basel University Library is established. It is carved out how preservation management in digitisation pro-jects needs to be implemented not only in the operational but also in the organisa-tional structure of a library to achieve the conservation targets. This is especially important, since conservators, involve in monitoring and man-aging digitisation projects, do not only need expertise in materials, methods and manual skills, but also require knowledge of technical aspects of digitisation and in particular of project management. The thesis aims to provide a basis for con-servators to work in this new, specialised field of preservation management. |
Schlagworte: | collection care, digitisation projects, digitization projects, preservation management |
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Kontakt: |
Lisa Dittmann lisa.dittmann@[Diesen Teil loeschen]unibas.ch |
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