
Lena Lang: The application of pesticides at Museum of History Hannover- Development of a guideline to minimize the health risk by handling with contaminated obejcts Zurück

Sprache: Original   -   Übersetzung
Zusammenfassung: This master thesis is a guideline for the Museum of History Hannover and refers to the handling of a contaminated collection to minimize the health risk for staff members. With the examination of dust in the textile storage a high level of the biocides DDT and Lindan could be detected due to historical pest control. These toxic agents will be described with their physical and chemical as well as human- and ecotoxicological properties. Afterward an assessment of the risk potential due to toxic substances is made. The result of the risk assessment is a handling proposal with safety measures, which refer to the complex problems of the Museum. The foundation for safety measures are the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances with their classification of DDT and Lindan as well as their safety stage model and the technical regulation for hazardous substances. A further chapter deals with possibilities to decontaminate museum objects. Finally, an introduction for further approach to reduce the contaminated compartment air and therefore a minimization of the health risk for staff members follows.


weitere Angaben:
  • Hochschule: HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst Hildesheim/Holzminden/Göttingen
  • Art der Arbeit:  Masterarbeit
  • Erstprüfer/in:  Prof. Dr. Karin Petersen
  • Zweitprüfer/in:  Hon.-Prof. Dr. Achim Unger
  • Abgabedatum:  2009
  • Seitenzahl:  143
  • Abbildungen:  26
Lena Lang

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