Academic thesis

Lucas Marz: The monumental multi-part „Gedächtnisaltar für Elfriede Friedrich“ by Ernst Müller-Gräfe (1925-1927). Examination, conservation and framing concept. Back
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Abstract: The subject of this thesis is the „Gedächtnisaltar für Elfriede Friedrich“ by Ernst Müller-Gräfe. The five part expressionist altar was made from 1925 to 1927 for the pastor Karl Josef Friedrich in remembrance of his deceased wife.
After almost seventy years in the attic of a private domicile the altar was gifted to the Lin-denau-Museum Altenburg. It shows multiple smaller damages of the stretcher, the textile sup-port and the paint layer. The damages partially threaten the object’s preservation. To enable a future presentation in the museum all necessary measures – especially the consolidation of the stretcher – must be carried out and a concept for restoration needs to be developed. To make the altar presentable a concept for framing is also required.
Firstly, an extensive research and examination shall provide an understanding of the altar, which will be the basis for all further tasks.


Keywords: Müller-Gräfe, stretcher, wood filling, altar construction, brass leaf, bonding
  • academic institution: Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden
  • kind of theses:  Diplomarbeit
  • main Tutor:  Prof. Dr. Haller
  • assistant Tutor:  Dipl.-Rest. Sandra Plötz
  • date:  2024
  • Language:  German
  • pages:  81
  • pictures:  118

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